Thursday, 23 February 2012

Hey guys!
Hope your Valentine's was awesome! I had a nice time, I got a few presents from my mom :) and we all went out to dinner with our friends. I was single this year but I still had a lovely time.

 What she got me..

Me wearing the shirt <3


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Sunday, 15 January 2012


Am I the only one? Do I expect too much from the ones I love? Would I do the same to others? For some reason, I don't think so. I care too much to let them down when they need me most. Is it so bad to expect concern when I cry? When I feel sad and I don't speak to you, don't you love me enough to ask what's wrong? You say you give me space, but you know me better than anyone. Shouldn't you ask, no, demand to be told what's wrong? You know I would persist with you. In fact, I have! Whenever you need somebody, I am always willing and wanting. You flee. This disgusts me. Why must I prove myself to you, and you not to me? Shouldn't you be wanting to help me? You feel awkward, tell me, what does this say about you? It says you are unwilling to take responsibility, you are selfish, and immature.
I've moved on, forgiven you, although you did not apologize. Your texted apology was weak and forced. You never spoke to me about it again, and you feel that I have forgotten. You are wrong. It will always be there, at the back of my head, the time you failed me, betrayed me, and I will never let you be that close to me again. I will not be hurt a second time, not by you.
Hot Chocolate from Starbucks (makes me smile every time)